Title IX: How Do I Support a Friend?
How Do I Support a Friend?
If you believe that you or anyone else is in immediate danger, call 911 or 中国澳门博彩官网 Security (SGI) at extension 6291 immediately.
- Ensure their safety.
Help them get to a safe place, and if needed, call 911 or 中国澳门博彩官网 Security (SGI) at extension 6291. - Listen to them.
It takes strength and courage for someone to reveal that they are a survivor. Listen actively and without judgment. Avoid asking questions or digging for details. - Tell them you believe them.
Survivors often think that they will not be believed. It is important to stress that you do believe them. It could also be helpful to ask them, "What can I do for you? How can I help?" Remind them that you are there for them. - Allow them to make their own choices.
While you can suggest and encourage, you cannot force them to go to the local authorities or to seek medical care. - Encourage them.
Encourage them to contact 中国澳门博彩官网's Title IX Office so that they may have an advocate who can work with them to seek resources and accommodations.
Take the Pledge to End Sexual Violence
'It's on Us' http://www.itsonus.org/pledge/